Am I Able To Immigrate To Canada After 40?

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Am I Able To Immigrate To Canada After 40?

One question that many people ask is if they’re able to immigrate to Canada after the age of 40. This is not a surprise considering that Canada’s most popular migration program, Express Entry, prioritizes younger applications between the ages of 20 and 29. However, being 40+ and being able to migrate to Canada is not impossible at all. There are a number of ways one can settle in Canada, and that is why you’re here reading this post.

How much does your age affect your Express Entry application?

One of the most crucial elements in a point-based application is age, which contributes to the overall points an individual scores, which in turn affects how fast or whether or not that individual gets his/her ITA (Invitation to Apply). People aged between 12 and 29 get the highest scores, with married people receiving 100 points and single people receiving 110 points.

Unfortunately, a candidate’s score drops rapidly after the age of 30, making them lose 5 points per year. At 40, the score drops even more with at least 10 points being lost for every year and eventually 45 year old candidates scoring zero points for age.

Does this mean you won’t be able to immigrate to Canada?

While age related points have a big impact on your overall application, please remember that it may not mean that you are not eligible for Canadian immigration. There are other criteria you can earn points in, which may  help make the immigration procedure less challenging.

The points that you lose for age, can be supplemented in a few ways such as:

  • French proficiency
  • Canadian Work Experience
  • Canadian Education
  • Job Offer in Canada etc

For example, proficiency in French, is given a lot of weight in the Express Entry selection process. French as a second language can give your CRS score a significant jump.

For many applications over the age of 40, work experience and study in Canada can be a great pathway towards their PR. Talk to us to understand what are the ways in which you can get a Canadian Work Permit to be able to gather Canadian Work Experience and thereby up your score.

Or, talk to us to know more about studying in Canada as a mature student entails, and what this pathway looks like.

Additionally, an LMIA based job offer can add additional points as well. Depending on the position of the job being offered gets you between 50 to 200 points in the CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System)

Are there other ways to migrate to Canada?

There are currently more than 50 programs in place in Canada that work to welcome immigrants. What’s more, in addition to the federal possibilities, Canada has a number of provincial programs as well which may be applicable to your scenario.

Some other immigration/ work permit  programs for which you may qualify are:

  • Intra-company transfers
  • Investor visas
  • Entrepreneur visas
  • PNPs

We know immigration at any age can be extremely overwhelming and stressful, let alone at the age of 40. That’s why we’re here to help! Think of us as your immigration solution provider- for you and your family.

Contact ImmigrateNow! Let us make sense of the Canadian Immigration System for you.

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